GOTS is developed by leading standard setters in the fashion industry. They provide a credible assurance to consumers that the clothing they are buying and wearing is ethically and environmentally sourced. This is why the GOTS label is important and the campaign ‘Behind the Scenes’ was created.
The campaign was designed to introduce more consumers to the brand and the certification process to prevent greenwashing. Showing what stages are included in the making of textiles and what goes on behind the seams.
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)
Global Organic Textile Standard
Creative Producer: Evie Edwards
Brand Designer: Bron Findlay
Web UI Design: Snig.Digital
Web Coding: Oleksii Kaliuzhnyi
The campaign design has expanded the GOTS logo into a series of icons to simplify brand messaging, enhance user experience, and maintain visual consistency with the branding.
‘Behind the Seams’ evokes a sense of hidden elements. In design this can be conveyed through windows, graphics and photography. We wanted to include this important element to tie back to the campaign message, creating a sense of discovery and intrigue to the user experience.