Invisible Design

Invisible design is the best design. 

How do you know if a design is good? You don’t even notice it. Design is optimized for the user to make journey as easy as possible, in every type of design - web, graphic, product - we’re solving problems that you don’t even notice. 

Even the fact you’re reading this so easily and not noticing shows good user-face design. The perfect font choice, the right font size, the contrast colours for legibility so many factors that designers think about so you don’t have to. 

The reason why good design is invisible is because it becomes very obvious when it’s not. For example, it’s very noticeable when  a graphic designer doesn’t 


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Or when a product designer creates a bottle but the lid is the tiniest bit too big. So you get frustrated that you can never screw it on tight enough, and then it sometimes leaks, one day it leaks in your bag, now your laptop is wet, and you have to go to Curry’s to drop £400 to get it sorted, and make awkward conversation with the sales guy…not that this has happened to me. 

You see bad design is so obvious that it actually makes your life harder. I think that’s why designers should really be called problem solvers, our job it to create impactful but seamless designs that you don’t even notice. 

So next time you see a designer just thank them for making your life a little easier. 


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